The BBC Have released this on their official website for Doctor Who 

Legends tell of a Time Lord challenge that would test the guile, intelligence and fortune of those brave enough to step forward. The challenge was known as The Game of Rassilon.
The Time Lords may be near to extinction and Gallifrey consigned to history, but after centuries in abeyance the game will be soon be resurrected...
Coming soon to this site... The Game of Rassilon.
This is not an Adventure Game but a series of games that test your knowledge of Doctor Who. Featuring clips, images, exclusive new footage with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill plus other members of the cast and crew, the games are not to be taken lightly. You'll be able to challenge your friends or take the test in solitude.
For centuries the mighty Time Lords played The Game of Rassilon. Soon it will be your turn

Click Here for the official website